Template Struct ThreadManager::LCoreParams

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Class ThreadManager.

Template Parameter Order

  1. typename F

  2. typename... Ts

Struct Documentation

template<typename F, typename ...Ts>
struct LCoreParams

Struct containing all parameters the lcore needs to run the thread.

Can be used as a workaround to the DPDK API to pass all parameters for the thread using a single void pointer

Template Parameters:
  • F – Template for lambda to be called

  • Ts – Parameter pack template for arguments for F

Public Functions

inline LCoreParams(F &&f, const std::stop_source &_stop_source, Ts&&... args)

Public Members

F f
std::tuple<std::decay_t<Ts>...> m_args
std::latch start_thread
const std::stop_source &_stop_source