Class ThreadManager
Defined in File thread_manager.h
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
class ThreadManager
DPDK Thread manager class for a thread-per-core model.
DPDK deploys worker threads when launched, this class can be used to run threads on these DPDK worker threads. This class can only be used on the main lcore of the program.
This class is designed to be used in a thread-per-core topology, every thread that is spawned with this class is guaranteed to run on a different physical processor.
The class tries to mimic the std::jthread API for launching threads, the completion of threads is awaited when the destructor is called.
Public Types
Public Functions
inline ThreadManager()
Construct a new Thread Manager object.
inline ~ThreadManager()
Destroy the Thread Manager object.
Requests stopping all threads and waits for the threads to exit
inline void join()
Wait until the LCores have exited.
ThreadManager(const ThreadManager&) = delete
The thread manager cannot be copied.
ThreadManager(const ThreadManager&&) = delete
The thread manager cannot be moved.
template<typename F, typename ...Ts>
LaunchThreadResult LaunchThread(F &&f, Ts&&... args) Launch a new thread on a new lcore.
Throws a runtime error when no lcore is available for the thread
- Template Parameters:
F – Template for lambda to be called
Ts – Parameter pack template for arguments for F
- Parameters:
f – Captureless lambda to be ran on the new thread
args – Parameters to apply to f in the new thread
inline unsigned GetTotalThreads() const
Get the total number of usable hardware threads available on the system.
- Returns:
unsigned Total number of usable hardware threads available on the system
inline unsigned GetUnusedThreads() const
Get the number of unused hardware threads.
- Returns:
unsigned Number of unused hardware threads
inline std::stop_source get_stop_source()
Get the stop source object.
- Returns:
inline std::stop_token get_stop_token() const
Get a new stop_token from _stop_source.
- Returns:
inline bool request_stop() noexcept
Request the threads to stop through the _stop_source object.
- Returns:
true if the ThreadManager object has a stop-state and this invocation made a stop request
- Returns:
false otherwise
inline ThreadManager()