Template Struct FixedName
Defined in File fixed_name.hpp
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Template Parameter Order
size_t N
Struct Documentation
template<size_t N>
struct FixedName Fixed-size, null-terminated string container.
- Template Parameters:
N – Maximum size of the buffer (including the null terminator).
Public Functions
template<size_t M>
inline constexpr FixedName(const char (&str)[M]) Constructs a FixedName from a string literal.
- Parameters:
str – The input string literal.
inline bool operator==(const FixedName &other) const
Equality operator for FixedName.
- Parameters:
other – Another FixedName object.
- Returns:
true if equal, false otherwise.
inline auto operator<=>(const FixedName &other) const
Three-way comparison operator for FixedName.
- Parameters:
other – Another FixedName object.
- Returns:
std::strong_ordering result of the comparison.
inline explicit operator std::string_view() const
Converts FixedName to std::string_view.
- Returns:
std::string_view of the FixedName.
inline const char *c_str() const
Get a c-style string view from the buffer.
- Returns:
const char* of the FixedName
Public Static Functions