Program Listing for File fmt_helpers.h

Return to documentation for file (utils/fmt_helpers.h)

#pragma once

#include "spdlog/fmt/bundled/core.h"

namespace fmt_helpers {

struct fmt_count {
    fmt_count(size_t count) : count(count) { }
    size_t count;

} // namespace fmt_helpers

// Specialize the fmt::formatter for fmt_helpers::fmt_count
template <>
struct fmt::formatter<fmt_helpers::fmt_count> {
    // Parse format specifications
    constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) {
        return ctx.end();

    // Format the fmt_count object
    template <typename FormatContext>
    auto format(const fmt_helpers::fmt_count& count, FormatContext& ctx)
        -> decltype(ctx.out()) {
        double count_dbl = count.count;
        std::string formatted;

        if (count_dbl > 1e9) {
            formatted = fmt::format("{:.3f}G", count_dbl / 1e9);
        } else if (count_dbl > 1e6) {
            formatted = fmt::format("{:.3f}M", count_dbl / 1e6);
        } else if (count_dbl > 1e3) {
            formatted = fmt::format("{:.3f}k", count_dbl / 1e3);
        } else {
            formatted = fmt::format("{}", count_dbl);

        return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", formatted);