Program Listing for File input_reader.cpp
↰ Return to documentation for file (src/input_reader.cpp
#include "input_reader.h"
#include <rte_cpuflags.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include "stdlib.h"
bool IsPowerOfTwo(size_t val) {
if (val == 0)
return false;
else if (val == 1)
return true;
return !(val & (size_t) 0x01) && IsPowerOfTwo(val >> 1);
InputReader::InputReader(FILE* read_file) : InputReader(read_file, 1048576) { }
InputReader::InputReader(FILE* read_file, const size_t block_size)
: block_size(block_size),
process_buf((char*) aligned_alloc(16, block_size), &::free),
read_buf((char*) aligned_alloc(16, block_size), &::free),
curr_domain_written(0) {
// Check if the SSE4.2 instruction set is present, it is necessary for string processing
// instructions
if (!rte_cpu_get_flag_enabled(rte_cpu_flag_t::RTE_CPUFLAG_SSE4_2))
throw std::runtime_error("SSE4.2 instructions not supported on this CPU");
// The block size should be a power of two to make alignment easier
if (!IsPowerOfTwo(block_size))
throw std::length_error("Block size must be power of two");
// The block size has to be larger than the maximum domain length
if (block_size < DOMAIN_NAME_MAX_SIZE)
throw std::length_error("Block size must be larger than DOMAIN_NAME_MAX_SIZE");
io_uring_params params;
memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params));
// Initialize io_uring
int ret = io_uring_queue_init_params(RING_QUEUE_DEPTH, &ring, ¶ms);
if (ret)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot initialize io-uring");
read_file_fd = fileno(read_file);
// Register the file descriptor in io_uring to minimize overhead
// ret = io_uring_register_files(&ring, &fd, 1);
// if (ret)
// throw std::runtime_error("Failed to register file FD in ring");
// Initialize the first read request to kickstart the loop
io_uring_sqe* sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(&ring);
if (sqe == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error("No space available in ring");
io_uring_prep_read(sqe, read_file_fd, read_buf.get(), block_size, 0);
// sqe->flags |= IOSQE_FIXED_FILE;
// The submit function should return that one SQE submission has been made
if (io_uring_submit(&ring) != 1)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed SQE submission");
GetBufferResult InputReader::RefreshBuffers() {
// First check if a new buffer is available
io_uring_cqe* cqe;
if (io_uring_peek_cqe(&ring, &cqe))
// No completions, return not available
return GetBufferResult::NotAvailable;
// Check for read errors
if (cqe->res < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Io_uring read operation failed");
// Load the read buffer into the process buffer and vice versa by swapping the pointers
std::swap(read_buf, process_buf);
// Check how many bytes have been read
size_t num_chars_read_from_file = cqe->res;
// Update the current and end pointer of the process buffer
process_buf_curr_ptr = process_buf.get();
process_buf_end_ptr = process_buf_curr_ptr + num_chars_read_from_file;
// Keep track of the offset in the file for the next read operation
offset_tracker += num_chars_read_from_file;
// Let io_uring know that the cqe has been processed
io_uring_cqe_seen(&ring, cqe);
// Get a new submission entry from the ring
io_uring_sqe* sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(&ring);
if (sqe == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error("No space available in ring");
// Prepare sqe for read operation
io_uring_prep_read(sqe, read_file_fd, read_buf.get(), block_size, 0);
// sqe->flags |= IOSQE_FIXED_FILE;
sqe->off = offset_tracker;
// Submit the sqe and check if the submission was successfull
if (io_uring_submit(&ring) != 1)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed SQE submission");
return GetBufferResult::Success;
InputReader::~InputReader() {
union m128i_chararr {
char chararr[16];
__m128i m128i;
union m128i_unsignedll {
unsigned long long unsignedll;
__m128i m128i;
ReadDomainResult InputReader::GetDomain(DomainInputInfo& domain_info) {
GetBufferResult res = GetBufferResult::Success;
while (1) {
// First check if the process buffer needs to be refreshed
if (process_buf_curr_ptr == process_buf_end_ptr) {
// First write the remainder of the previous process_buf into the current
// domain
int chars_to_write =
std::min(std::max(process_buf_end_ptr - domain_begin_ptr, (long int) 0),
(long int) (DOMAIN_NAME_MAX_SIZE - curr_domain_written - 1));
memcpy( + curr_domain_written, domain_begin_ptr,
curr_domain_written += chars_to_write;
// Get a new process buffer and return if no new data is available
res = RefreshBuffers();
if (res == GetBufferResult::NotAvailable)
return ReadDomainResult::NotAvailable;
// Zero bytes read, end of file
if (process_buf_curr_ptr == process_buf_end_ptr)
return ReadDomainResult::FileEnd;
// New domain begin pointer is at the start of the process buffer
domain_begin_ptr = process_buf_curr_ptr;
// Check if the SIMD buffer has to be refreshed
if (simd_buf_curr_ptr == simd_buf_end_ptr) {
// Define the constants for filtering invalid characters
const m128i_chararr valid_chars = {"azAZ09..--__"};
const int op_valid_chars = _SIDD_CMP_RANGES | _SIDD_NEGATIVE_POLARITY;
// Filtering for \n and \0 directly is not possible since implicit
// string length is used for performance reasons. All characters except
// \n and \0 are selected and the output is negated
const m128i_chararr end_of_line_chars = {
{('\0' + 1), ('\n' - 1), ('\n' + 1), (char) 0xFF}};
const int op_end_of_line = _SIDD_CMP_RANGES | _SIDD_NEGATIVE_POLARITY;
m128i_unsignedll invalid_char_res;
m128i_unsignedll newline_res;
// Process all 64 bytes of the simd buffer for newlines and invalid
// characterrs in batches of 16 bytes
__m128i simd_data =
invalid_char_res.m128i =
_mm_cmpistrm(valid_chars.m128i, simd_data, op_valid_chars);
newline_res.m128i =
_mm_cmpistrm(end_of_line_chars.m128i, simd_data, op_end_of_line);
simd_data = _mm_loadu_si128(
reinterpret_cast<__m128i_u*>(process_buf_curr_ptr + 16));
invalid_char_res.m128i |=
_mm_cmpistrm(valid_chars.m128i, simd_data, op_valid_chars) << 16;
newline_res.m128i |=
_mm_cmpistrm(end_of_line_chars.m128i, simd_data, op_end_of_line) << 16;
simd_data = _mm_loadu_si128(
reinterpret_cast<__m128i_u*>(process_buf_curr_ptr + 32));
invalid_char_res.m128i |=
_mm_cmpistrm(valid_chars.m128i, simd_data, op_valid_chars) << 32;
newline_res.m128i |=
_mm_cmpistrm(end_of_line_chars.m128i, simd_data, op_end_of_line) << 32;
simd_data = _mm_loadu_si128(
reinterpret_cast<__m128i_u*>(process_buf_curr_ptr + 48));
invalid_char_res.m128i |=
_mm_cmpistrm(valid_chars.m128i, simd_data, op_valid_chars) << 48;
newline_res.m128i |=
_mm_cmpistrm(end_of_line_chars.m128i, simd_data, op_end_of_line) << 48;
simd_invalid_chars = invalid_char_res.unsignedll;
simd_newlines = newline_res.unsignedll;
simd_buf_curr_ptr = process_buf_curr_ptr;
simd_buf_end_ptr = std::min(process_buf_curr_ptr + 64, process_buf_end_ptr);
// Get the location of the next newline character and the next invalid character
int loc_false_char_ctz = __builtin_ctzll(simd_invalid_chars);
int loc_newline_ctz = __builtin_ctzll(simd_newlines);
int loc_false_char = simd_invalid_chars ? loc_false_char_ctz : 64;
int loc_newline = simd_newlines ? loc_newline_ctz : 64;
// The location of the next valid character shouldn't be smaller than
// the location of the next newline, otherwise the domain is
// not valid
current_domain_valid &= loc_false_char >= loc_newline;
// Check if the newline location exceeds the end of the SIMD buffer
// otherwise indicate buffer refresh by updating pointers
if (simd_buf_curr_ptr + loc_newline < simd_buf_end_ptr) {
// First copy the first part of the domain to the buffer
memcpy(domain_info.buf,, curr_domain_written);
// Write the domain to the domain buffer, take any previously written
// characters into account and also an optional trailing dot.
const int max_size_domain_with_null =
DOMAIN_NAME_MAX_SIZE - curr_domain_written - 2;
const int chars_to_write_unbounded =
loc_newline + (simd_buf_curr_ptr - domain_begin_ptr);
const int& chars_to_write =
std::min(chars_to_write_unbounded, max_size_domain_with_null);
// Check if the number of chars to write doesn't point to the maximum number
// of chars
current_domain_valid &= &chars_to_write_unbounded == &chars_to_write;
const int total_length = chars_to_write + curr_domain_written;
memcpy(domain_info.buf + curr_domain_written, domain_begin_ptr,
domain_info.buf[total_length] = '\0';
domain_info.len = total_length;
// Reset character count for new domain
curr_domain_written = 0;
// Filter out the current newline and invalic character bits to be able to
// detect the next domain
simd_invalid_chars &= ((unsigned long long) 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE)
<< loc_newline;
simd_newlines &= ((unsigned long long) 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE) << loc_newline;
// Update the begin pointer to the next domain
domain_begin_ptr = simd_buf_curr_ptr + loc_newline + 1;
ReadDomainResult to_return = current_domain_valid
? ReadDomainResult::Success
: ReadDomainResult::NotValid;
// Reset the domain valid flag
current_domain_valid = true;
return to_return;
} else {
simd_buf_curr_ptr = simd_buf_end_ptr;
process_buf_curr_ptr = simd_buf_end_ptr;
return ReadDomainResult::Success;