Program Listing for File eth_rxtx_opts.h

Return to documentation for file (include/eth_rxtx_opts.h)

#pragma once

#include "eth_rxtx.h"

// Skip documentation of all configurations

struct I40E_OPTS {
    static constexpr bool offload_tx_mbuf_fast_free = true;

    static constexpr bool offload_tx_ipv4_cksum = true;
    static constexpr bool offload_tx_l4_cksum = true;

    static constexpr bool offload_rx_ipv4_cksum = true;
    static constexpr bool offload_rx_l4_cksum = false;

    static constexpr bool make_af_xdp_socket = false;
    static constexpr bool request_arp = true;
    static constexpr bool hw_flowsteering = true;

    static constexpr bool queue_for_main_thread = true;

struct AF_XDP_OPTS {
    static constexpr bool offload_tx_mbuf_fast_free = false;

    static constexpr bool offload_tx_ipv4_cksum = false;
    static constexpr bool offload_tx_l4_cksum = false;

    static constexpr bool offload_rx_ipv4_cksum = false;
    static constexpr bool offload_rx_l4_cksum = false;

    static constexpr bool make_af_xdp_socket = true;
    static constexpr bool request_arp = false;
    static constexpr bool hw_flowsteering = false;

    static constexpr bool queue_for_main_thread = false;

#ifdef NIC_AF_XDP
    using NIC_OPTS = AF_XDP_OPTS;
    constexpr auto NIC_NAME = "AF_XDP";
#elif NIC_I40E
    using NIC_OPTS = I40E_OPTS;
    constexpr auto NIC_NAME = "I40E";

using NICType = EthRxTx<NIC_OPTS>;